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Hemsby Neighbourhood Plan

The Neighbourhood Plan referendum took place 22nd June 2023 at the Village Hall. The question posed to the residents of Hemsby for the referendum was 'Do you want Great Yarmouth Borough Council and the Broads Authority to use the Neighbourhood Plan for the parish of Hemsby to help them decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?' and residents were asked to vote Yes or No.  347 votes cast were counted;

Yes 279                   No 68                 

The result represents an 80% majority of those that voted.

The Plan was adopted by Great Yarmouth Borough Council on 27 July 2023, as well as the Broads Authority equivalent, and is now a material consideration when all planning applications are considered.

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Contact Us

All correspondence for Hemsby Parish Council should be sent to:

​Parish Clerk​, Mrs K Wilton

Address: The Pavilion, Waters Lane, Hemsby, Norfolk NR29 4NH

​​Tel: 01493 719235


​View our Accessibility Statement here

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